Seniors 60 & Better
M-NCPPC Free Senior Membership
Senior ID provides Free access to:
- 45 Community Centers and their fitness rooms;
- Six Senior Activity Centers and their fitness rooms;
- The Sports and Learning Complex to workout, swim, or walk the indoor track on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings from 8 am to 12 noon;
- Weekly e-Connect newsletter highlighting upcoming Department of Parks and Recreation programs and events.
To get a Free M-NCPPC Senior ID, bring proof of age and residency to any Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission (M-NCPPC) community center during operating hours. You must be 60 & better and reside in either Prince George’s or Montgomery County.
Club 300
Join Club 300, a free senior walking program! Meet new friends and experience different trails in Prince George’s County.

Program Overview
Club 300 is a senior walking program sponsored by M-NCPPC, Department of Parks and Recreation, Special Programs Division’s Senior Services Unit. What began as a virtual walk across Maryland, one mile at a time (a total of 300 miles, aka, Club 300), has grown and blossomed into a year-round senior walking program. The club meets weekly on Monday mornings, April through November, and once per month, December through March.
To add to the fun, Club 300 members have the option to participate in various walking challenges, most recently the Walk Across America Challenge in which members virtually walked 5,048 miles and earn rewards along the way! The East Coast Greenway Challenge starts on April 5, 2021. Participants who chose to take on this challenge will walk 2,799 miles!
View the East Coast Greenway Challenge Mileage Chart (PDF)
Register & Login to Club 300
If you are currently registered with Club 300, all you have to do is log in to the Club 300 page using your Club 300 email address and password provided at the time of registration. Record your miles online as well as on the paper mileage log to keep a record of your accomplishments!
To register for the Club 300 program, please complete the online registration form or call the Special Programs Division at 301-446-3400 for assistance.
Walk Schedule
All walks are on Monday morning beginning at 8:30 am and concluding by 10:30 am. Pre-registration is not required, however, everyone attending the walk will need to sign in and out. Summer, fall, and winter 2024 schedules coming soon!
- Who can participate?
- Any Prince George’s County senior (age 60 or better) or pre-senior (age 50 to 59) is welcome to join Club 300. All fitness levels are welcome!
- What are the benefits?
- Walking is one of the very best exercises! Here are some of the proven benefits:
– Helps maintain a healthy weight
– Help prevent or manage various conditions, including heart disease, high blood pressure, and type 2 diabetes
– Strengthens bones
– Enhances mood
– Improves balance and coordination
- Walking is one of the very best exercises! Here are some of the proven benefits:
- Where and when do you walk?
- Choose where and when to walk. Walk inside, walk outside, and even walk on a treadmill! Seniors can also walk on their own, with a friend, or with a group.
- For those interested, Monday morning group walks will commence throughout the summer. We will meet at different locations throughout the County. A group walk schedule will be posted to this website as well as emailed out to all Club 300 members. The group walk schedule is included in your paper walking mileage log. Come out and meet other Club 300 members and keep those feet moving as we explore some of the wonderful trails in our area!
- What are Club 300 group walks?
- Come out and meet other Club 300 members and keep those feet moving as we explore some of the wonderful trails in the area. For those who are interested, Club 300 group walks will be scheduled and posted on the Club 300 page. During the winter months, we will be offering a Club 300 group walk monthly. During the summer months, group walks will be more frequent. Seniors will be meeting at different locations throughout the County. Be sure to check the Club 300 page for dates, times, and locations of our Club 300 group walks.
- When and how do I register?
- If already registered with Club 300, log in to the Club 300 page. Seniors will be asked if they want to take the East Coast Greenway Challenge; click yes and you will automatically be registered. Please note, you do not need to participate in the challenge to be a member of Club 300.
- If you want to take the challenge and are not currently registered in the program, complete the online registration form or call the Special Programs Division at 301-446-3400 for assistance.
- How do I track and log my miles?
- Logging miles is simple. Just purchase a pedometer that records miles. The cost of a pedometer ranges from less than $5 and goes up. Additionally, there are some free apps for cell phones that will track your miles on your phone. All you have to do is take an intentional walk and track the miles and record it as follows:
- Record miles online using your Club 300 email address and password provided at the time of registration. It is highly recommended you keep track of your miles on the paper mileage log as well to keep a record of your accomplishments!
- Use a paper walking mileage log (pen and paper).
- Our goal is to have all Club 300 members log their miles online.
- How do I record my miles online if I do not have an email address or access to a computer?
- For assistance, please call the Special Programs Division at 301-446-3403 at the end of each month and we will help record your miles online.
- What if I am unable to log into the Club 300 webpage successfully?
- Please call the Special Programs Division at (301) 446-3403 for assistance.
- Are there rewards?
- As you walk the East Coast Greenway, you will earn a State pin for each State you have “virtually” walked across! Here are those States:
- Maine
- New Hampshire
- Massachusetts
- Rhode Island
- Connecticut
- New York
- New Jersey
- Pennsylvania
- Delaware
- Maryland
- Washington DC
- Virginia
- North Carolina
- South Carolina
- Georgia
- Florida
- What are some walking tips?
- Turning a normal walk into a fitness stride requires good posture and purposeful movements. Ideally, here’s how a walk should be:
– Keep your head up and look forward.
– Relax your shoulders, neck, and back.
– Swing your arms freely with a slight bend at your elbows (if you like, pump your arms).
– Keep your stomach muscles slightly tightened and your back straight.
– Your walk should be smooth as you roll your foot from heel to toe.
- Turning a normal walk into a fitness stride requires good posture and purposeful movements. Ideally, here’s how a walk should be:
Join the Senior Green Team!
Looking for a fun way to help our Prince George’s County Community? Join the Senior Green Team, a free senior conservation club. Check out our 2024 schedule of events!
- What is the Senior Green Team?
- A group of seniors working and playing together by doing projects that protect, support, and preserve our natural resources here in Prince George’s County.
- Who can join?
- Any Prince George’s County Senior (age 60 and better) or pre-senior (age 50 to 59) is welcome to join.
- When does the Club meet?
- The Club meets monthly on the first Tuesday from 9 am to 12 Noon. Meeting locations will vary based on the project.
- What type of projects will the Green Team be doing?
- Basic trail maintenance (small branch trimming, mulching, etc.)
- Birdhouse projects
- Clean-ups
- Conservation educational outings
- Tree plantings
- If I join, do I have to help out with every project?
- No. Once you join the Green Team, detailed project information will be sent out via email to all Green Team members. At that time, you can sign up for the projects you are interested in.
- How do I register to be a part of the Senior Green Team?
- Complete the online registration form.
Additional Information
For more information, contact the Special Programs Division.
Special Programs
7833 Walker Drive
Greenbelt, MD
Senior Cycling Club
Cycling has many benefits such as slowing the aging process, reducing the chance of falls in everyday life, less stress on joints, improved mental health, and overall improvements in wellbeing.
Join the Senior Services Team and the Park Rangers as we explore our beautiful Prince George’s County Trails on two wheels! Cycling is a full-body and mind exercise! Whether you are an experienced rider or one who has not been on a bike for a while, the Cycling Seniors will provide fun and friendship for all!
Club Members
Club members will receive:
- Free group-led rides with experienced staff
- Club bike shirt, water bottle, and helmet
- Bike maintenance and safety workshops
- Presentations on trail etiquette and safety
Participants must:
- Provide and transport their own 2-wheel bike
- Wear a bike helmet at all times
- Sign a liability waiver
- Possess a Free M-NCPPC Senior ID
Schedules & Registration
Organized group rides will be held once per month during the ride season, April – October starting at 8:30 am, weather permitting. Registration will be required in Parks Direct. A schedule of locations and associated mileage will be provided on a quarterly basis for registered riders.
2024 Schedules
Summer and fall ride schedules coming soon.
For more information on this exciting new club, contact or call (301) 446-3403.
Senior Activity Centers
M-NCPPC, Department of Parks and Recreation offers six friendly and inviting senior activity centers, especially for people aged 60 & better. These senior activity centers offer special events, trips, classes, health programs, information, and referrals. Provided by Prince George’s County Department of Family Services, Aging Services Division, transportation and senior nutrition program featuring hot lunches are also available at these sites.
Senior Activity Center Eligibility Requirements
- Must be 60 & better
- Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission (M-NCPPC) PARKS DIRECT Senior Identification (ID): These Senior ID cards are free for Prince George’s and Montgomery County residents. Non-residents can join for a nominal fee. To obtain your card, bring proof of residency and age to any M-NCPPC community center or senior activity center in Prince George’s County during operating hours.
- Ability to participate in recreational activities with minimal personal assistance.
- Ability to take care of personal needs (i.e. hygiene, eating, mobility, medication, etc.)
Classes & Programs
Learn, play, relax, socialize, and stay fit at M-NCPPC, Parks and Recreation parks and facilities. Attend classes, or go to an exhibit or performance. Seniors can use the parks, trails, and recreation facilities at their leisure, alongside people of all ages or with other seniors 60 & better.
Some of the services and programs offered include:
- The arts
- Crafts
- Fitness/health/wellness programs and classes
- Games
- Hobbies
- Movies
- Nature
- Social activities
- Sports
- Trips
Free Fitness Membership
Seniors aged 60 & better who are residents of Prince George’s or Montgomery Counties can exercise at any M-NCPPC, Department of Parks and Recreation community center fitness room for free with an M-NCPPC Community Center/Fitness Identification Card. Bring verification of residency and age to the center to obtain a free senior membership card. Fitness room amenities vary by site and allow you to exercise at times and locations convenient for you.
Senior Days
Senior Days at the Prince George’s Sports and Learning Complex offer free use of the facility’s pool, fitness center, and indoor walking track on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 9 am to 12 noon. Make a pledge to stay healthy and active and take advantage of this free workout opportunity!
Reduced rates are available for seniors 60 & better at Enterprise Golf Course, Paint Branch Golf Course, and Henson Creek Golf Course. Many aquatic, exercise, and fitness classes are also available throughout the county. Please refer to the “Your Guide to Parks and Recreation” quarterly publication for a list of classes, or browse class listings in Parks Direct.
Arts Opportunities
Arts opportunities abound in Prince George’s County. Check out the many offerings at community centers, Montpelier Arts Center, the Prince George’s Publick Playhouse, and Harmony Hall Regional Center. Especially for seniors 60 & better, the Platinum Movie Series is offered at the Publick Playhouse. Take a look at the schedule and join other seniors for a fun day at the movies!
2025 Special Senior Events
Save the date for these events coming in 2025!
- Black History in Motion – Friday, February 7, Publick Playhouse – Register Here
- Centenarian Luncheon Celebration – Friday, May 9, Laurel-Beltsville Senior Activity Center – Register Here
- Senior Health and Fitness Day – Wednesday, May 21, SAARC – Register Here
- Line Dance Party – Friday, July 18, location is TBD
- Bingo-Fest – Friday, August 8 at three locations:
- Laurel-Beltsville Senior Activity Center
- John E. Howard Senior Activity Center
- Camp Spring Senior Activity Center
- Active Aging Week – September 15 – 19 – various locations
- Veterans Celebration Luncheon – Friday, November 7, Martin’s Crosswinds
- Holiday Concert – Friday, December 12, Laurel-Beltsville Senior Activity Center
Being a senior in Prince George’s County is better than ever! M-NCPPC, Department of Parks and Recreation, Senior Services is an innovative body designed to help meet the needs, wants, and aspirations of seniors 60 & better as they age.
Recognizing the diverse aging populations, the Department challenges ageism, celebrates the wisdom and experience of age, and provides opportunities to engage in meaningful activities, which enhance one’s personal well-being through the seven dimensions of wellness: social, emotional, physical, environmental, intellectual, vocational, and spiritual.
Join thousands of Prince George’s County Seniors 60 & better and get a FREE M-NCPPC Senior ID!
How Are We Doing?
Did you take one of our senior trips? We want to hear how it went! Click on the bar below to open up the feedback form. Fill it out and tell us all about it.
Senior Activity Feedback
Feedback on Senior Activity Center Trips
How was your experience on a recent trip?